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Improving education for young people in the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems | August 2019 DSO Update

Improving education for young people in the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems | August 2019 DSO Update

We have two amazing volunteer interns Hanxi and Ankita who are revamping marketing and recruiting materials to increase engagement with students, working professionals, and clients. On July 26th, we hosted a Design Thinking Workshop in the Bay Area on the theme of Nonprofit Operational Sustainability. Over 20 people participated, including both nonprofits and nonprofit supporters.

First DC Journey Mapping with LEDC

First DC Journey Mapping with LEDC

On April 12th, the DC team gathered together with the Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC) at their WeWork office in DC to complete our first design thinking centered session

Improving online course engagement with Gooru

Improving online course engagement with Gooru

Dedicating to honoring the human right to education Gooru is a nonprofit edtech startup that offers an online courseware platform for K-12 settings. Students and educators all over the world can build and deliver their course materials through Gooru, either in a classroom setting or a self-learning experience.